
SPUR | From the day of evacuation of the fashion trend information site from Japan to the current situation.Letter from Ukrainian designer, Xenia Schneider

Noborimatsu: What did you do when the Russian army bombed?

Xenia: The night of February 23, when I was sleeping with my husband and daughter at home. While being dreamed and stunned, I heard the plane flying over the house, and at the same time the bell on the phone rang. From her mother. (The next morning), at 5 o'clock, she was prepared to call for something very bad news. But to hear the words, "The war has begun and we are being bombed!" We jump up and go to the window. Looking outside, I saw several families loading a suitcase in a car and trying to park. Some people were already preparing for the worst scenario. Unlike us. Of course, I knew from the news that Russia was planning a Ukrainian attack, but I couldn't believe that this would happen. In the meantime, I heard the roar of the explosion. A sound that I have never heard before. Imagine, it is the most disgusting sound in the world, the sound that stirs fear. And I was attacked by the despair that I couldn't do anything. My chest seems to be really torn. Her daughter woke up with this noise, but her husband discussed the status quo little by little so as not to scare her daughter. Her daughter was pleased that she didn't have to go to school, but she decided to find a safe place in West Ukraine after spending an air raid shelter overnight.

SPUR | 日本発信のファッショントレンド情報サイト 避難の日から現状まで。ウクライナのデザイナー、クセニア・シュナイダーからの便り

Noborimatsu: Where are you now and what kind of daily life are you?

Xenia: It took three days to settle over the border and settle into a safe place.Now I'm in Budapest with her daughter.A friend in the fashion world arranged for a free apartment, so she shares here with her sister and her son.Here we take the children to the park every day and interact with other Ukrainian women who are evacuating in the same way as me.While cleaning and cooking and relaxing, I have something to do every day.We are trying to prepare for the future by discussing the possibilities of collaboration (with other companies).Of course it depends on the situation in the future ...

Sobamatsu: The partner (Anton Schneider, a graphic designer who works on the brand art direction) is Russian.How do you respond in a complicated situation?

Xenia: There is no difference between my husband and my opinion.He is very supported.