
[Results announcement] Housew be a gender equality event without naming de bingo!

The registration time has ended.Thank you for your many applications.


The "Nameless Housework", which was discovered 126, has been announced at the bottom of this page.

Event rules

The rules for this event are as follows:

Flyer of this event (PDF: 541.2KB)


For those who applied for the central part of the bingo, the original "Nameless Housework" we found ourselves, we gave another one and another goods.

 【result発表】男女共同参画イベント 名もなき家事deビンゴ!

How to investigate "Nameless Housework"

To find out about "unnamed housework", use a book or the Internet.Please refer to those who are looking for the original "unnamed housework" (those who aim for the middle square).

Kaoru Komura (Author) Practical Education Publishing 2020

Goji Umeda (Author) Sun Mark Publishing 2019

Ooji Peco (Supervision) Narimido Publishing 2019

Attention If you make a reservation at the municipal library, you can order and borrow from another library.

Yukiko Nonomura (Author) Futabasha 2019

Goji Umeda (Author) Treasure Island 2020

Asako Honma (author) Mikasa Shobo 2019

"Nameless housework" found

I found a lot!thank you!

Impressions of challengers (people who do not usually do housework)

There were many people who noticed this time, thanks again.And even those who want to continue!Please continue while having fun.

Impressions of children

It seems that some children who helped for the first time had a different notice.There were many impressions that it was fun to try.Good luck in the future.

Impressions of people who usually do housework

I received a pretty urgent voice.I will refer to future projects.Perhaps the child was quite reliable?

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Update: March 1, 2022

Gender equality course