
Why did PayPay set a commission?The future of smartphone settlement that each company cuts out | @Dime at Daim

■ Serialization / Takeshi Horin, Atsushi Ishikawa, Junya Ishino, Asako Bino's smartphone conference

"Smartphone Talk" that can be understood to the back of the industry by four people interviewed at the forefront of the smartphone industry.This time, we will discuss the future of payments that can be used with smartphones.

* We are holding an Internet meeting to measures new colon virus infections.

Smartphone payment is not a commission business

Bano: The free period of the commission set by PayPay at the small and medium -sized merchant ends in September.From October 1st, the transaction amount 1.From 60 %.It is also noticeable what other companies do.

Mr. Bono

Ishikawa: This time, PayPay uses the "PayPay My Store" function that can be used for attracting customers by issuing coupons..60 %, if you do not use it 1.We have decided to pay 98 % commission.In general newspapers, it says that "the commission has begun and the exhaustion battle is the limit", but the essence of smartphone payment is not a commission, but how to make money with the My Store function.By introducing the My Store Function, merchants can issue coupons and membership cards to shoppers and deliver campaign information.The PayPay Myst Light Plan is 1980 yen per month (per store, excluding tax), but the member store will be motivated to pay PayPay fees for the function.

 As PayPay is a rival to pay D in the payment service competition, au Pay, and Rakuten Pay, as a competitive axis of the My Store function, reservation functions such as Gournavi and Hot Pepper Beauty are reservation functions.I think it will be a fight with a company that offers the homepage function.I wonder if it's a smartphone payment war that I saw so far.So, I think that credit card companies and companies that only provide payments will become more severe.

"PayPay My Store Store Page"


Horin: I've been at home for a long time.For the past year and a half, what has changed dramatically in my house is that I often go shopping with her wife.It is said that DOCOMO's "My Daiz" is an application that consumes batteries well, but when you look at that, the flyer is quite amazing.When you start going to a supermarket, the information on the flyer is quite important.There are quite a few things like "Today was cheap, but it's already 12 o'clock ... the time sale is over."This is a supermarket, but I think that will happen.

 Until now, it was a story like "If you have this card, you can use it for thousands, tens of thousands of stores", "JCB anywhere", "VISA is fine".I started thinking that it was not.As Mr. Ishikawa said, it includes Gournavi, but there is a trigger such as "It's cheap to go to XX on PayPay today", and it will be a form that a settlement is attached to it.When.Until September 12, 2021, Seven-Eleven and PayPay work together in various ways, but when I saw that kind of thing, I was a little impressed because I thought I was doing good things.

"My Daiz"



Mr. Ishino: Credit cards and Osaifu -Keitai are the same, but users do not need to open the app screen for payment.On the other hand, I feel that PayPay is well -conscious and well created to open the application screen to read the barcode and QR code.



Ishikawa:au PAYは三太郎の日にローソンで使える333円のクーポンを配布していて、やっぱりローソンに行こうという気になる。こうしたことをいかに顧客接点として来客につなげるか。スマホ決済はそういうところがうまいだろうし、最終的にスマホ決済やキャッシュレス決済では4キャリアが残っていくんじゃないかと思っています。

 Also, I have the strongest feeling of PayPay, and I think it's amazing.However, the comparison table of My Store Functions held by PayPay at the presentation was "Food and drink reservation service B" and "Beauty Reservation Service C" in addition to PayPay.I thought this was a tabelog and hot pepper beauty.Kakakucom is doing the tabelog, and KDDI is investing in Kakakucom.Hot pepper beauty can be used with Ponta points.Considering these, KDDI is close to the point where you become a rival of PayPay.I feel that it will be quite interesting if au pay can be put together well, but I wonder if KDDI can do my best.

"Au Pay"

Ishino:いかんせん、au PAYはPayPayに比べると使えるお店がまだ少ない。PayPayは、石川さんもSNSで発信していましたが、加盟店を開拓するソフトバンクの営業部隊の力がすごい。PayPayは本当に小さなお店でも使える。現金しか使えないように見えるお店でも使えるという驚きがある。あの開拓力は本当にすごいと思いました。ただ、そういうお店が1.6 % 1.It is noteworthy that PayPay asks for a 98%commission, and what kind of action will be taken.


Ishino:今回、手数料を導入するのは、QRコードを店頭で提示してユーザーがスマホで読み取るタイプのお店。マイストアを使いこなせないようなお店は、そもそもあまりPayPayで支払われていなかったりする可能性もある。手数料が1.I think that there is a possibility that it will be like "I should leave it alone" even if it reaches 6 %, so I wonder if it will be separated from the user and the member store.


Ishino:そうですね。もしくは目立たないところにQRコードを引っ込めて、一応払えますとなったりする可能性があるかなと。とはいえ、手数料1.It is true that 6 % is the lowest level among the so -called cashless payments.In the previous roundtable, there was a story that the commission was about 1 or 2 %, but after all it settled in that range.The place where you do it with a low -margin sales is severe even if it is 1 %, but if you lower the rate, PayPay will be more and more deficit.

Ishikawa:逆に、マイストア機能が月額1980円だけど、あれがもっと機能アップして、5800円、7800円、9800円とかになっていくと、「マイストア機能でたくさん払えば手数料率をもっと下げますよ」って言うこともできる。マイストアの価格設定には、まだ値下げ余地があるはず。そういうPayPayの動きに対抗しようと思ったら、恐らく決済をメインでやっている会社はきつくなってくるし、結果としてd払い、au PAYといったキャリア系しか対抗できないんじゃいかなって気がしています。

Ishino:1.6 % can use my store, and given the number of users on PayPay, 2.It looks expensive even at around 5 %.I wonder if others will be dragged and lowered the commission.Especially for docomo, au, and Rakuten, there is no need to make a profit alone.



The key is whether it can lead to attracting customers and sending customers

Norinbayashi:FeliCaを導入できる店は、元々、クレジットカードに対応できてないといけないし、専用のリーダー/ライター(FeliCaやおサイフケータイをかざす機器)も設置しなくちゃならないなど、結構、敷居が高い。その点、QRコードは機器が不要なので、導入しやすい。たとえば、クレジットカードに対応している店はたくさんあるけど、そういった店がプラスαの決済手段として、PayPay、au PAY、d払い、楽天ペイなどのQRコード決済を入れられる。その上で、お店側から見て集客、キャリア側から見て送客がメリットとして、明確に見えてくると、結構、いい展開になるのかな。携帯電話会社がやる決済サービスだし、QRコードを読み込むんだけど、決してオンラインというか、空中戦ではなくて、いかにリアル店舗に送客できるのかが大きい。過去にも座談会で「dポイントの送客効果がスゴい」って話題になったけど、QRコードも同じことが起こり得ると思う。






Norinbayashi:もしかすると、クレジットカードと、決済単体で勝負しているものと、スマホとクレジットカード、決済サービス、QRコードで組んでいるものとで、使われ方が分かれていくかもしれない。普通のクレジットカードはもちろん便利に使っているけど、例えば"Sumitomo Mitsui Card Numbers (NL)"とかも、カードだけどスマホ前提じゃないですか。

"Sumitomo Mitsui Card Numbers (NL)"



"VPASS app"

PayPayが手数料を設定した理由は?各社がしのぎを削るスマホ決済の将来性|@DIME アットダイム




Norinbayashi:僕の地元の世田谷区は"Setagaya Pay"をやっているんですよ。あれって商店街が結構絡んでいるので、商店街の組合の中から予算が出ていて、当然、その商店街でしか、せたがやPayは使えないんだけど、ポイント還元とか、10万円チャージしたら10%のインセンティブが付くとか、使ったら20%のインセンティブが付くといったキャンペーンをするんですよ。そうすると安くなるわけだから、せたがやPayで払えるところに行く。これはローカルの話だけど、それを日本全国でキャリアがやるということになると、やっぱり影響力は大きい。普通にカードで払っているのとは、ちょっと話が変わって来ちゃうよね、と最近感じている。

"Setagaya Pay"





There is a strong career that captures smartphone payment as a cost

Mr. Bono:PayPayの手数料有料化を受けて、d払いやau PAYも手数料がかかるようになるんでしょうか。料金値下げの影響でキャリアの収入が減る中で、金融関係で収益を上げていくという話を以前、この座談会で話し合いました。d払いやau PAYは広告費だと思えば、儲からなくてもいいという考え方もあるということでしたが、どうなんでしょうか。金融サービスとして強化して、手数料でちゃんとしっかり儲けたいと思っているのでしょうか。


Norinbayashi:au PAYは、ウェブページを見る限りは決済手数料が3.It was 25 %, but after August 1, 2021, 2.It is lowered to 6 %.(Editor's Note: KDDI extended the campaign to free the payment fee for au Pay for one year until September 30, 2022).


Mr. Bono:PayPayの手数料率だけが異常に低いってことですね。


Mr. Bono:適正な手数料水準って、どういう風に出しているんでしょうね。売上の目標とかがあるのでしょうか。




Ishikawa:PayPayの場合、2020年の決済取扱高は2.8 trillion yen.If the commission is 2 %, it is 56 billion yen per year.I think the judgment is different depending on whether this is big or small.Isn't the payment fee a business model that doesn't make much money in the first place?Credit card companies are working hard on revolving payments, even if they are set higher.Because payment alone doesn't make money.If you think so, I guess Honmaru is not a payment fee.I wonder if it's PayPay Bank, Card, Finance, My Store.

 The reason why au and docomo are doing payment services is that they are not canceled by mobile phone line users.It is a stance that you will not be canceled if you give points and have them settle at that point.If anything, I guess payment is a cost.When I talked to President Takahashi of KDDI, it was like that.If you think about it, it is certainly about 2 % fees now, but I feel like I can do it in the same row with PayPay, 1.If it is 6 % to be a terrible deficit, it is not the burden of management in terms of corporate company, so use various services by payment, such as if the user should not cancel it elsewhere.I think it's a good direction.Probably, the career is different about the commission.

KDDI Co., Ltd. President and CEO Makoto Takahashi




Norinbayashi:普通のクレジットカードの決済手数料は、だいたい3%と言われている。Squareは3.It is said to be a few percent.Then, if you think about it, a carrier -based payment service that is less than 3 % has the advantage of the store.Even if it takes time.Furthermore, as a positive element, I think the key to how much coupon and other customers can attract customers will be.






Mr. Bono:QRコードというシステムが変わる可能性はありますか?


Norinbayashi: FeliCaなのかNFCなのかわからないけど、将来的に非接触ICを使ったサービスが増えていく可能性は当然あるとは思う。ただ、今、お店が持っている道具、もしくはお客さんが持っている道具から考えると、QRコードは落とし所としては非常にバランスがいい。

Ishino:au PAYはQUICPay経由で払えますが、FeliCaやiDだとブランド手数料とかいろんなものが引かれる事情がある。今の手数料体系だとやりにくい。au PAYの場合も、キャンペーンの対象が最近はQRコード決済だけになっていることが多い。QUICPayは手数料を払っている分、ユーザーにそんなに還元してくれないんだなって感じになっている。自社でネットワークを作れて、自社のブランドだけというところで、QRコード決済はコスト的なメリットが大きい。ただ、ドコモはiDを自社のブランドとして持っているので、そこは少し構造が違って非接触でもやりやすい。コスト的には、やりやすい構造にあるのかなという感じがします。

Ishikawa:コンビニでおにぎりにピッとやって、お茶をピッとやって、Pontaカードをピッとやって、au PAYのバーコードをピッとやる、あの楽さ加減を考えると、まぁ、別にQRコード、バーコードで十分だよねって感じになりますよね。




Next time, we will meet about the ban on SIM locks.Please stay tuned.

He wrote reviews of digital products, such as smartphones, mobile phones, and personal computers, and commentary articles for beginners, mainly on Wolin and Takayuki web media and magazines.He has many books such as a commentary.Opinion number in the mobile industry.

After joining the Nikkei Home Publishing Company (currently Nikkei BP), he became independent in 2003.He interviewed not only domestic carriers and manufacturers, but also Google and Apple.He appeared as a lecturer on the NHK E -Tele "Hobbies!He is publishing an e -mail magazine "Smartphone (540 yen per month)".

Junya Ishino (Junya Ishino) After graduating from Keio University, he joined Takarajimasha.After independence, he has been active in a wide range of media as a mobile journalist/writer.He has authored many books, including "Catayildren" (Softbank Shinsho) and "Easy to Understand in 1 hour" (Mainichi Shimbun).

After working on a mobile phone magazine at Asako Beno Publisher, he became an independent freelance writer since 2002.She is one of the few female writers in the mobile industry, and she writes in magazines and web media, focusing on introducing mobile devices from a female perspective.

Configuration / Mikihiro Nakama / Asako Bono