
What is "year -end adjustment" doing?If you lose it if you make it appropriate ... Explain the taxes that can be recovered

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This year is about to pass quickly.As the end of the year approaches, office workers will perform year -end adjustment procedures.However, somehow, somehow, some people are doing the procedure as they were told.[Chart] All 15 types that can be deducted in income, may not be able to recover the taxes that should have been recovered and may have lost.In order to prevent that, this time we will introduce what you are doing at the end of the year.At the same time, I will explain what to apply to do not lose.


What is the year -end adjustment in the first place?

The year -end adjustment is a system that compares the amount of income tax that you usually pay and the income tax you need to pay, and settled the excess or deficiency. If you look at the monthly salary statement, you can see that the income tax is deducted (withholding). The amount of this income tax is actually incorrect. The monthly income tax amount is based on the estimated amount based on the estimated amount that "this person will make a lot in one year." Monthly salaries are not always the same. In fact, you may have overtime pay or raise your salary in the middle of the year. If the amount of salary increases or decreases, the amount of income tax will increase or decrease. In addition, the amount of income tax is low due to "income deduction" (later explained), which reduces tax amount according to individual circumstances, such as "the number of dependents increased due to marriage and childbirth" and "I paid for life insurance premiums". Sometimes it will be. Once you have a one -year salary at the end of the year and know the applied income deduction, you will know the income tax you should pay. If you compare this amount and the amount of income tax that was deducted in an estimate, if you have paid too much tax, it will return. Some people say that the salary in December is a bit more because the income tax paid many is back. If you don't have enough taxes, you need to pay additional taxes.

Taxes can be reduced if you take advantage of income deduction!

Here, let's briefly look at the amount of income tax that should be paid.

Until the income tax amount to be paid is determined

The leftmost salary income is the total salary of one year. From there, before the income tax amount is determined, (1) subtract "deduction of salary income" from salary income, ask for salary income. ) We will calculate the income tax amount by multiplying the income tax rate (5 % to 45 %) according to the amount of taxable income. The salary income deduction of (1) is like the expense approved by the office worker, and the formula is determined. However, the income deduction of (2) is individual. The amount to be deducted according to the individual circumstances is different. It is "year -end adjustment" to convey this situation to your employer and calculate the taxable income correctly. Therefore, if you say "year -end adjustment? As the income tax is taxed as (3), the tax rate is applied, so the lower the taxable income, the lower the tax. It is better to make a year -end adjustment and reduce taxable income.

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