
How many annual income do you need to buy a 55 million yen house?How to assemble the purchase budget and precautions

Let's understand the whole picture!Procedure to determine the home purchase budget

When deciding the budget for a house, you need to clarify the necessary items one by one according to the procedure.Here, we will first explain the procedure to determine the budget along the four steps.

1.Determine the amount of self -funds

The first thing you want to clarify when you decide your budget is "how much self -funds can you prepare?"When purchasing a house, there are items that must be paid in cash as various expenses, so some savings are required.

In addition, it is common to prepare a certain percentage of "down payment" even when using a mortgage.The down payment plays a role in reducing the borrowing amount and reducing the interest burden.

In addition, there is a mortgage such as "Flat 35", which will reduce interest rates if you prepare a certain rate or more.For this reason, many households who buy houses have a "10 to 20 % down payment".

2.Determine mortgage borrowing amount

Once the amount of your own funds is determined, consider the loan amount of the mortgage.Let's take a closer look at the mortgage repayment amount.

3.Determine land purchase costs

If you start building a house from the purchase of land, you will decide the cost of purchasing the land before the building.Regarding land, in addition to "purchase costs", the cost of "ground survey cost" and "ground improvement cost" may be charged.Let's consider the budget including those.

Four.Calculate the purchase limit of housing

If the items so far are revealed, the limit that can be applied to the building naturally will be clear.In the case of a built -for -sale house or a custom -built house that already owns land, it will be "self -fund + mortgage loan borrowing = housing purchase limit".On the other hand, when starting from a land purchase, it is "self -fund + mortgage borrowing amount -land purchase cost = housing construction cost".


How to determine the mortgage borrowing amount and items required for calculation

Next, let's take a closer look at the procedure to determine the mortgage borrowing amount.

Items required to determine the borrowing amount

To calculate the mortgage borrowing amount, you need to look at the following items:

In addition to the method of calculating the income only by the head of the household, there is also a method of combining income with the spouse and making a judgment by "household annual income".If you use a pair loan contract or a combined income contract, you can get a total examination of the couple's income, which expands the borrowing amount.

Regarding age, "age at the time of borrowing" is also an important point.In many mortgages, the age of 70 to 80 is the maximum age of paying off, so the higher the age of borrowing, the longer the repayment period.

The long and short repayment period is an important item that affects the borrowing limit and monthly repayment, so it is important to decide on a specific schedule at an early stage.In addition to these conditions, you will calculate the final monthly repayment and borrowing amount while grasping the differences depending on the interest rate and repayment method.

Difference by interest rate type

There are three types of mortgage interest rates: "fixed interest rate type", "floating interest rate type", and "fixed interest rate selection type".Each has the following features, so let's consider the suitable type.



Fixed interest rate type

・ You can make a stable repayment plan

・ The interest rate at the start is high

Floating interest rate type

・ The interest rate at the start is low

・ There is a risk of rising interest rates

Fixed interest rate period selection type

・ You can change the plan according to the economic situation

・ There is a risk of rising interest rates

・ The number of changes is limited

・ There is no limit on the increase in repayment amount

Fixed interest rate typeは「返済まで金利が変わらない」プランのことで、Floating interest rate typeは政策金利に合わせて「半年ごとに金利が変動する」プランのことを指します。

Floating interest rate typeはスタート時の金利が安くなるのがmeritである一方、途中で金利が上昇するリスクもあるため、返済計画を立てる際には注意が必要です。そのため、どちらかといえば、短期で返済を済ませられるケースに適しているとされます。ただし、返済額の上昇範囲は125%までと決められているので、極端に短期間で負担が増えることはありません。

Fixed interest rate period selection typeは、スタート時は固定金利で返済を行い、一定期間が経過したときに「改めて金利タイプを選択できる」プランです。経済の動向に応じて柔軟にプランを変更できる点が強みである一方、Floating interest rate typeのように上昇額の制限がないため、金利変動のリスクにきちんと目を向ける必要があります。

Difference depending on the repayment method

There are two types of repayment methods: "principal and interest repayment" and "principal equal repayment".

Equal repayment

Equal repaymentは毎月の元利金支払額が一定となるため、返済計画を立てやすくなる点がmeritです。ただ、返済当初は利息部分の支払いが大きくなるため、なかなか元金が減らず、総返済額が大きくなってしまう点はデmeritです。

Principal equal repayment

一方、Principal equal repaymentでは元金部分を返済期間で均等に割り、残金に応じた利息分を同時に支払っていきます。そのため、返済当初の負担額が大きくなってしまう半面、Total paymentは少なくなります。



5,500万円の家を買える年収の目安はどのくらい? Monthly repayment amountとともにシミュレーション

Here, let's simulate the standard of annual income required to buy a 55 million yen house using LIFULL HOME'S's "Mortgage Simulator".This time, the following conditions are set for the estimation.


住宅ローン5,500万円の「Monthly repayment amount」「Total payment」


5,500万円の家を買うにはどのくらいの年収が必要? 購入予算の組み方と注意点

Monthly repayment amount

Total payment

No down payment

168,401 yen

7,0723,386 yen

Head payment 10 % (5.5 million yen)

153,092 yen

6,4298,491 yen

Dead payment 20 % (11 million yen)

134,721 yen

5,6582,643 yen

たとえば、頭金を2割用意した場合は住宅ローン返済額を合計しても6,700万円程度となるため、No down paymentのフルローンよりも300万円ほど総返済額が少ないことが分かります。このように、トータルコストには大きな差が生まれるため、慎重に割合を設定することが大切なのです。

Annual income to rent 55 million yen for mortgages

When determining the necessary annual income from the loan amount, the "repayment burden rate" is an important indicator.The repayment burden is the percentage of "annual repayment to the annual income", and it is generally said that if it is within 25 %, it can continue to be reasonably repayed.

Therefore, let's calculate the annual income that the repayment burden rate is 25 % from the above simulation results.Then the results were as follows.

Guideline of annual income

No down payment

8.08 million yen or more

Head payment 10 % (5.5 million yen)

7.35 million yen or more

Dead payment 20 % (11 million yen)

6.47 million yen or more

When you make a full loan, you need to get at least an annual income of 8 million yen or more in order to keep the repayment burden within 25 %.However, if you can prepare a down payment of 20 %, the standard will drop to about 6.5 million yen.

Please note that if the repayment period is reduced by 35 years, the standard of annual income will be higher.


Three points to be aware of when deciding on a budget

The estimated purchase budget can be determined to some extent if you follow the procedure you have seen so far.However, at the time of the budget, you need to pay attention to some detailed points.

Here, we will introduce the precautions for performing reasonable repayments in three parts.

Look at various expenses

When purchasing a house, in addition to the purchase price of the property, various expenses such as taxes and fees will be incurred.Let's look at the guidelines for various expenses based on the following table.

Estimation of various expenses

Set up reserve expenses for maintenance and living expenses

住宅を購入してからは、固定資産税などの税金や修繕費用の積み立てといったランニングコストが発生します。そのため、単純に「家賃と同額のMonthly repayment amount」を設定すると、必要な経費を十分に用意できなくなってしまうケースもあります。

If you look at the expenses for your new life, it is safer to leave your own funds on your down payment or expenses, but leave cash for the number of living expenses at hand.

Look at changes in income status and lifestyle

Mortgage repayment plans are generally calculated based on the annual income and household status at the time of borrowing.Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the risk that income will decrease on the way.

It is also important to assume that household expenses will increase depending on your life event, such as going to school or childbirth.In particular, if you are going to give birth and child care in the future, or you have a plan to live with your parents, you need to imagine the changes in your household as much as possible.


If you are wondering about your budget, consult an expert

When deciding on a home purchase budget, you have to look at various points, so it is one way to get advice from an expert.Here are two options for experts who handle homes and money.

Features by Financial Planner (FP) and its type




The mechanism and characteristics of the "window of home"

LIFULL HOME'S's "House window" allows you to use mortgage consultation and general support for "house building and searching home" for free.It is a convenient service when you want to collect information objectively because you can consult a housing advisor from a neutral standpoint, not biased to a specific real estate company or property.


Since it can be used even if the specific budget or plan has not been decided, let's consult when considering purchasing your own home.


