
Pay attention to the "gap" of a smart factory, which has been turned right and left due to a shortage of semiconductors: FA annual ranking 2021

 Monoist publishes a top -level article about one year of data for each forum and the "Monoist Annual Ranking" that introduces the trends of each industry from there.

≫MONOIST Annual ranking back number

 The FA Forum features topics such as manufacturing technology, automation technology at manufacturing sites, smart factory, and factory trends, but the top 10 of the annual PV (page view) in the articles published in 2021 are still many companies.There were many articles on the shortage of semiconductors that were bothering me.Let's take a look at the top articles and the FA industry topics.

半導体不足に右往左往させられた製造現場、スマート工場化の“隙間”にも注目:FA 年間ランキング2021

Monoist Fa Forum Popular Article Ranking TOP10

2021年1月1日〜12月21日順位記事タイトル1半導体不足の遠因となった、旭化成の半導体工場火災で起こったこと2パナソニック新潟工場の現場を変えた、たった4人の「からくり改善」【前編】3三菱重工工作機械は「日本電産マシンツール」に社名変更4いまさら聞けない「CBM」5TSMCが産総研内に評価用ライン構築、経産省の次世代半導体技術支援で6日立のAGV「Racrew」が躍進、サントリー最新工場の自動化も担う7技術者が行けない! タイでの新製品量産を遠隔立ち上げしたOKIデータの挑戦8新規ファブのサステナブル化に向けた主要半導体メーカーの動き9パナソニック新潟工場の現場を変えた、たった4人の「からくり改善」【後編】10シリコンカーバイド(SiC)が電気自動車の普及に拍車このランキングは、MONOistで2021年に公開されたFA関連の記事の閲覧数を基に作成しています。

One year of the manufacturing industry swayed by "semiconductor deficiency"

 One of the most read FA forum articles released in 2021 was the semiconductor factory, Asahi Kasei Electronics, "Asahi Kasei's semiconductor factory fire, which was a distant cause of semiconductor deficiency. It was become a thing.

 Regarding the current shortage of semiconductor, the effects of the rapid increase and decrease in supply and demand due to the effects of the new colon virus infection (COVID-19), the impact of market expansion due to the rise of automotive fields, IoT, and cloud demand, and the effects of cold wave in the United States in early 2021.Various complex factors are considered, but the impact of Asahi Kasei Electronics is also part of this.It is said that alternative supply at the manufacturing outsourcing is progressing, but the restoration of the factory itself has not been stuck, and some semiconductor supply has been affected.

 The article summarizes the contents of this fire accident survey report released in September 2021, but this report itself is very detailed, including the details of the accident, the background of the day, and the contents of the survey.It was drawn, and I felt it was a valuable material as a factory safety examination material.If you are interested in the article, I hope you can see it here (Asahi Kasei Electronics Fire Accident Investigation Report (PDF)).


 Another characteristic article that was ranked in the shortage of semiconductor deficiency is the fifth place, "The TSMC is built in the Institute of Sanpo, and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's next -generation semiconductor technology support." As all devices are digitizing, it is a major topic that securing semiconductors supporting these has become a major theme of economic security as a nation. While the government has taken various investments and regulations, the Japanese government has been promoting TSMC to secure the semiconductor production base in Japan. The ranked -in article was said to be participating in TSMC as a joint research project for the next -generation semiconductor, but in November 2021, a new factory will be constructed in Kumamoto in Kumamoto in Kumamoto Prefecture in November. We have announced that.

 By the way, in the 8th and 10th place, a series of "Applied Materials Blog", which introduces industry trends seen from semiconductors by applied material from the major semiconductor manufacturing equipment, has been included.If these are also related to semiconductors, it will be a form that accounts for four out of 10, which has changed significantly from the ranking up to 2020.It is expected that the shortage of semiconductors will continue until the first half of FY2022 (fiscal year ending March 2023), and even if the market normalizes, it is expected to be after 2023 or later, so economic security.It is likely to attract attention for a while, including positioning.
