
How many people have drum -type washing machines, robot vacuum cleaners, and dishwashers all three new sacred treasures?

A white household appliance called "new and three kinds of sacred treasures" is indispensable for such modern people who want to live well but are difficult.

There are three new and three types of sacred treasures: drum type washing machines, robot vacuum cleaners, and dishwashers.It is also preferred by those who seek efficiency, those who are not able to do housework, and those who like home appliances and gadgets themselves.

In February 2022, Kazumi Kazumi (Threem) conducted a questionnaire, "Do you have three new sacred treasures?"Let's introduce the hobbies and preferences and satisfaction of life that have come from there.

Do you have new and three kinds of sacred treasures?What is the satisfaction of life seen from the questionnaire?

Which of the most common home appliances owned by the drum -type washing machine, robot vacuum cleaner, and dishwasher?

Drum type washing machine ... 33 /100 people

Robot vacuum cleaner ... 22 /100 people

A dishwasher: 36 /100 people

As a result.In other words, the highest possession rate was a dishwasher (although it was a small difference).However, this is a popular built -in type, and most of the people who have built new buildings and owners have facilities from the beginning.The reason why the possession of the dishwasher was high is also the high house rate.

Looking at the individual possession ratio, 33 (33 %) had a drum -type washing and dryer.The drum -type washing machine is located in a conspicuous place even when you go to a home appliance shop, but the price may be more than 300,000 yen when it comes to high -end machines, so you may need a little courage to make a decision.


For a long time, fully automatic washing machines were the mainstream.The price was affordable at 30,000 to 70,000 yen, and it was always unchanged, so it is a bit worrisome whether it is worth 100,000 yen.However, many people are captivated by their convenience when they buy them.

However, the washing machine is very sturdy, and it does not break easily even if it is turned many times every day, so many people thought that "the drum type after the current washing machine ...".Let's take a look at the robot vacuum cleaner.

The possession rate is 22 % (22 people).It doesn't seem to be popular yet.It is likely that the fact that a little device is needed in everyday life, such as not placing things on the floor or removing the dining table chairs, is also due to the spread.However, the value of the floor is always shiny, and there is no doubt that it is a great home appliance.

There is also a word "rumbable".Rumbable is a coined word of "ROOMBA"+"ABLE".Rumba, which boasts the No.1 share of IROBOT's industry, spells out ROOMBA, but the word that means that the rumba is easy to operate.Rumbubble houses have a height of 10 cm in bed and sofa, and are used among people who are sensitive to room search and latest lifestyle trends in the sense that Rumba can run under it (rumbable).。

The dishwasher had a possession rate of 36 %.There are built -in type and external type that can not be used for rentals, but most of them are expected to be built -in type.External dishwashers that can be used without construction even if they are rented can be purchased from about 30,000 yen, but the rise in QOL (quality of life) is immeasurable.

The kitchen is quite small, especially if you live alone, especially in the case of living alone, but it is busy to put a dishwasher so that you can do a little easier housework by putting a rack, etc.Isn't it worth seeing?

What is your life satisfaction by introducing the new three kinds of sacred treasures?When we conducted a questionnaire with "very satisfaction", "somewhat satisfied", "somewhat dissatisfied", and "very unsatisfactory", 80 % of the total became "very satisfied" and "somewhat satisfied".

Those who have all three new sacred treasures are 5 out of 100.And they / they say they are very satisfied with their lives.

Interestingly, there are 20 people who have said that they are satisfied and satisfied with their life without having three new sacred treasures.On the other hand, there were 0 people who had all three new sacred treasures, but said that their lives were "somewhat dissatisfied" and "very dissatisfied."

From this, it can be seen that it is not a dissatisfaction if you do not have it, but if you have it, you can live a very satisfaction and high QOL life.

It doesn't have to be, but it would be nice if there was.Showa, Heisei and Ordinance and the times have changed, and the way of thinking about housework has changed.

With polite living and efficiency.There are still few people who do not have old three kinds of sacred treasures (washing machines, refrigerators, black -and -white TVs), so that it will become widespread.Ten years have passed since Rumba appeared, but as you can see from around 30 % of the people, it is now diversity.

On the Internet crowdsourcing site "Cloudworks", a questionnaire was conducted in February 2022 for 100 men and women in their 20s and 50s.

Configuration / INO.