
[Editorial review] This is the cutting edge of JRPG! A big dissection of the charm of the latest work of the "Trajectory" series, "The Legend of Heroes: Rei no Kiseki", which has been greatly enhanced !! [Trial version is being delivered until Chapter 1! ]

Nihon Falcom's signature RPG "Trajectory" series latest work "Kuro no Kiseki" was released on September 30, 2021. This time, the editor A of the "trajectory" freak who played the early stage delivers a review of this work!

The "Trajectory" series is a popular series that has been developed for 17 years since the first work "Sora no Kiseki FC" (Windows version) released in 2004, and has been ported to various platforms. is.

This work is a fusion of science and mysterious technology called "power", and various characters are active on the continent of Zemria, which has both fantasy elements and scientific elements close to the actual modern society. It is a work that draws.

Throughout the series is a "plan" that a mysterious organization called "association" carries out behind the scenes of society. The protagonists of each title come into contact with "association" in various ways, but this "association" is not a monolith, and if you think that it was hostile to the protagonists at one time, at another time it was a joint battle. It is portrayed as a mysterious and endless organization that acts for far-reaching purposes, such as when it turns out to have a tremendous influence on society.

On the other hand, the countries of the Zemria continent are seeking hegemony and independence, and wars, extensions, and conflicts often occur in the play.

The protagonists, later called "heroes," run through this turbulent era. So far, 11 titles of "The Legend of Heroes" series have been released, and it depicts the activities of heroes who are trying to overcome many hardships and win peace.

Although it is such a "trajectory" series, in the 10th work "Sou no Kiseki" released in 2020, the "West Zemria edition" that continued from the first work has reached the end for the time being, and finally reached the turning point of the whole story. This is also mentioned in an interview with Mr. Kihiro Kondo, President and CEO of Nihon Falcom Co., Ltd.

With the series reaching a break, the game engine has also been renewed from this work "The Legend of Heroes". In addition to the dramatic power-up of the graphics, the battle system that has become more strategic-oriented, pursuing the good tempo of an action game, and the tactical ornament that has been completely reborn, etc., have been updated to resemble the conventional "trajectory" series. ..

In addition, the story and characters have been redesigned, so I want to play the "Trajectory" series from now on! It is a content that can be recommended to those who say.

So let's start the review right away!

Attractive characters

When talking about the "Trajectory" series, the attractive characters are indispensable.

The main character of this work is Van Ark Ride. He is a back-solver (Spriggan) who runs the "Ark Ride Resolution Office" in the Republic of Calvado.

↑ Van who likes sweets more than three meals, although he is severe in his work and money account.

He is a younger man than an outlaw who does everything from civilian troubles to dirty work in the underworld.

The story begins when a female student named Agnes Claudel visits him. She turned to Van to find her great-grandfather's keepsake, the Orbment, which had been stolen by someone.

↑ Agnes relies on the memoirs left by her great-grandfather to search for a power device.His great-grandfather's name is C. Epstein, who is also the father of the Power Revolution.

It seems that there are eight of these power devices, and if you do not arrange them by a certain time, the world will end ... It seems that it was written in her great-grandfather's memorandum, and it is a story to pursue this mystery. It becomes the axis of.

In addition, Feri Alfaid, a girl who is also a member of an organization such as a mercenary organization called "Hunting Corps", rolls into Van's office, and Elaine Oakler, who protects civilians called "Athletes", , A lot of people will appear, such as the past connection with Van, or Rene Kincaid, an agent of CID (Central Information Ministry).

The story unfolds intricately intertwined with the thoughts and ideas of characters from various positions.

↑ Jäger girl Feri.Although she has high fighting skills, she usually shows age-appropriate childhood.

↑ The fighter Elaine is well known to civilians. He doesn't seem to have a close relationship with Van ...

↑ Rene and Van are in different positions, but they seem to be connected with strong trust.

Until now, the main characters of the "Trajectory" series have been sailors, police, military school students, and many characters who are rather in the world of "yang", but Van has a half body behind the society. It's a bit different from previous works because it's a character to put on. It has a hard-boiled atmosphere, so to speak.

↑ There is also a scene where you have a tingling bargain with an information shop that smells like a scent.

Van, who knew the inside and outside of the world, and Anies, a young lady student.

The story begins to move little by little around this uneven combination.

It should be noted that Nihon Falcom has announced that the "Trajectory" series will enter a new chapter from "Rei no Kiseki", but of course, it does not mean that the characters that appeared in the past series will not appear.

Jin Vasek, the "immovable Jin" who made an outstanding performance in the "Sora no Kiseki" series, has appeared as a leader of the Calvado Athletes Association.

↑ If you have played "The Legend of Heroes in the Sky", many people will call you "Jin-san" involuntarily !?

In addition, Tsao Lee, an executive of the Touhou Syndicate "Hei Yue". Characters that appeared in past works, such as Walter Kron, one of the "executors" who are members of the "association" and are in the executive class, will appear regardless of the enemy or ally.

In addition to knowing what happened to the characters that appeared in the past work, I also get involved with the player from an unexpected position, so for the author who has played the conventional series, the tension rises at all.

↑ Tsao who can't see Hajime as usual. It seems that you are going back and forth between Crossbell and Calvado, the stage of "Zero no Kiseki" and "Ao no Kiseki".

↑ This hair color is that character ...!? Some characters appear in unexpected appearances.

Of course, don't worry, it is designed so that even people who do not know the past work can enjoy the story without any discomfort. If you are worried about their existence in this work, you may want to go back to the series.

The stage is the Republic of Calvado, where modern buildings and facilities are lined up.

As mentioned above, the stage of this work is the Republic of Calvado. Even in the series so far, the country name has often appeared and related parties have appeared, but this work is the first to be drawn as the stage of the game.

↑ Roy Gramhart was appointed as the new president in a shocking manner in "The Legend of Heroes". What is his aim?

In chronological order, this work is after "Sen no Kiseki IV", which depicts the invasion of the Erebonian Empire, and "Sou no Kiseki", in which Roy Gramhart became the new president. In Calvado, which has entered an unprecedented economic boom based on the huge amount of compensation received from the empire, the city has a transportation network such as a fixed-route bus and a subway, and there is also a "power net" like the Internet. Penetrate into the lives of citizens. In addition, various ethnic groups enter and leave the country, and ostensibly it looks very lively.

↑ In the capital, Edith, modern facilities such as bus rotary, large department store, and skyscraper are being built one after another.

↑ There is also such a fine subway station

However, on the other hand, the security is not so much because a new organization has begun to emerge in the "Kurotsuki" Shima, which has divided the underworld of the republic, and an incident by an anti-social organization called Hangure has occurred. It looks like it's not good.

↑ When walking in the city, you may be able to get a connection from a hangure group ...

Furthermore, as in the conventional "Trajectory" series, demon beasts are striding in the basement and suburbs of the city, threatening people's lives ... So, this time as well, the player operates the van to solve various requests and incidents. Will continue to do.

↑ In the basement of the capital, there are places where demon beasts live.

This time, the places to receive requests are bulletin boards scattered around the city. We will solve the request written with the code "4SPG" on the back side. I feel like "Cite ● Ha ● Tar" !?

↑ Bulletin boards like this are scattered around the city

↑ When you receive an order for a request, the details of the request are recorded in this way.When you complete the request, points will be added and your rank as a back-solver will increase.

The feature of this work is that there is only a back-solver who also leads to outlaws, and not only clean work.

The three attribute parameters "LAW", "CHAOS", and "GRAY" will change depending on the request result and options. Depending on this number, the parameters of the van will change partly, and the co-op and hostile forces will also change.

If the value of "LAW" is high, it is possible to collaborate with a public organization such as a fighter, but if the value of "GRAY" and "CHAOS" is high, on the contrary, the relationship with the underground organization is strengthened. Seems to be done.

↑ In the story, you may have choices like this

↑ Actions and selection results affect attributes

Will you be on the side of justice, or will you be a sweeper who is willing to go wrong if you get paid? It's up to the player.

Combat system with turn-based and action options

The most different point of this work from the past series is the battle system.

In the previous "Trajectory" series, by attacking the enemy's symbol displayed on the field, you can create an advantageous situation in battle by stopping the enemy's foot or stunning and surprise attacking. However, in this work, you can seamlessly start the battle on the field.

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Attack with the 〇 button and avoid with the × button. With the R2 button, a powerful charge attack will develop, and a flashy battle just like a 3D action will develop.

You can also avoid the battle by canceling the targeting. If you don't want to fight, you can choose to move forward without dealing with the enemy.

↑ During field battle, you will fight by combining attack and avoidance.However, there are also strong enemies who stun the vans with a powerful attack and bring them into the command battle.

On the other hand, for those who are not good at action, pressing the □ button will shift to the conventional command battle (AT battle).

↑ When you move to command battle, you will enter a turn-based battle with enemies within a certain range.

At the time of command battle, "power magic (arts)" and special technique "combat maneuver (craft)" peculiar to the character. And you will be able to choose various actions such as the deadly "S Craft" that is activated by consuming a large amount of CP gauge.

In addition, as an element unique to this work, when shifting to command battle, an additional element called "shard" will be added at the time of attack, and it will be possible to develop more strategic battles.

↑ If you stun the enemy with a charge attack etc. and then enter the command battle, you will be able to make a first strike.

Other important points in command battles are the character's position and shard boost.

If you have friends nearby when you act, you can generate additional attacks and alliances that enhance the effectiveness of arts and crafts. Also, depending on the craft, it may be more effective by activating it on the side or back of the enemy.

This is also a tactical element that was not often found in the conventional "Trajectory" series.

↑ When cooperation is available, a glowing circle will be displayed around the corresponding character.

↑ When the cooperation is activated, a cut-in will be inserted and the battle will be lively!

Shard Boost is an action that can be activated when the S-SKILL gauge that accumulates during battle reaches a certain value, and can improve the character's performance for a specific turn.

S craft cannot be used without activating the shard boost, so the point is to use it.

↑ Each time you use S Craft, the maximum value of S-SKILL gauge will be added one by one, so in the case of long-term battles, let's actively aim to activate S Craft.

Therefore, it is important to use field battles for enemies in the class that can be defeated by force, and command battles for enemies that are unlikely to win unless they fight by making full use of various commands.

↑ You can develop a battle in an advantageous way by crafting

↑ Hit the enemy with a powerful blow with S Craft!

I want to proceed with crisp action, but I wonder if I can win with this, I wonder if I can win ... The bargaining when fighting with enemies of delicate rank is quite thrilling. You can experience a game that will make you feel excited, which is not found in the conventional "Trajectory" series.

↑ In the boss battle, forcibly enter the command battle.Let's plan a strategy carefully and act

Combat is more strategic with the tactical orbment "Xipha"

The tactical ornament "Xipha" is indispensable for battle. About the size of a foldable cell phone, this device has a lot of custom elements to help you develop your battle.

↑ In a sense, "Xipha" can be said to be the cornerstone of the battle of this work.By understanding this system, you will be able to develop battles in an advantageous way.

First, set a quartz (crystal that exerts various effects by incorporating it into a power generator) equipped with support AI called "hollow core". Hollow cores affect the effects of arts and behavior in combat.

↑ The hollow core "Mare" incorporated in Van's "Xipha" appears in the real world under specific conditions.It ’s a mysterious existence.

Next, you can use the arts by setting the "arts driver". There are various types of arts drivers, so we will set them for each character while considering the types of arts that can be used.

↑ As the level of hollow core goes up, it becomes possible to bring out the performance of the arts driver, and the number of arts that can be used will increase.

Then, by setting quartz on the line extending from the hollow core, you can give the character the special effect "Shard Skill" that is activated during battle.

↑ Various shard skills are set for quartz.Let's combine well and customize the performance of the character

By customizing this "Xipha", the characteristics of the character will change considerably. With the tactical ornaments in the conventional "Trajectory" series, the arts and stats that can be used, and the additional effects when attacking change. At the time of actual battle, it was a system with a high luck factor to fight while expecting a "break" that would be activated with a certain probability.

↑ By setting the arts driver in "Xipha", you will be able to activate powerful arts.

However, in this work, such "luck" elements are considerably reduced, and it can be said that the advance setting of "Xipha" occupies a fairly important position. It's a pretty bold turnaround in that it requires less uncertainty and logical customization.

As expected, it is the latest tactical ornament of the 6th generation.

This time it's also a transformation hero !?

In the past "Trajectory" series, a giant robot called "Knight God" appeared. Sometimes he stood in front of the main characters as a strong enemy, and in the "Sen no Kiseki" series, the main characters boarded the knight and fought a powerful robot battle.

As you can see, there are various battle situations in the "Trajectory" series, but in "Rei no Kiseki", the "transformation hero" will engage in battle.

↑ Transform into Grendel in a pinch! The source of that power is ...?

In the play, Van, who was cornered by a strong enemy, transforms into a "Grendel" who wields enormous annihilation power while being invited by the hollow core "Mare" incorporated in his "Xipha". is.

↑ Van, who was invited by Mare to "wear a nightmare?", Accepts the word and transforms into Grendel.

Its combat power is overwhelming, and if you fight normally, you will hardly lose in the early stages.

However, it seems that Van's body is gradually eroded after the battle ...

It may be the fate of a transformation hero that he loses something in exchange for power.

↑ Grendel's battle style is to select multiple attacks at once and kick the enemy with continuous attacks.

Grendel's coolness and strength make me feel awkward, and I'm afraid of the anxiety that awaits me after the battle ... That is one of the attractions of "The Legend of Heroes".

First of all, let's enjoy up to Chapter 1 for free!

So far, I've explained the fun of "The Legend of Heroes" for a long time, but I think many people say, "But if you don't actually play it, you won't know if it's really interesting."

Good news for those brothers! Currently, the PlayStation Store is distributing a free trial version that allows you to play from the beginning to the first chapter of this work as it is.

Even though it is a trial version, you can enjoy it for about 10 hours, so this is a great deal.

And after Chapter 2, attractive characters, towns, and stories await players.

↑ The stage of Chapter 2 is a city where Eastern culture flows.Here too, the outlaws are fighting underwater.

↑ Grimcats, a phantom thief who is making a noise in Calvado these days. Her identity was a surprising person !?

↑ Aaron is a leader in the Touhou people's district, who is a stage actor who is extremely popular and who leads young people who are full of blood.He will also act with Van

Of course, the data of the trial version can be carried over to the product version as it is, so why not take this opportunity to enjoy the "Trajectory" series and JRPG again?

[Game information]

■ The Legend of Heroes: Rei no Kiseki

Compatible models: PS4

Released on September 30, 2021

Genre: Story RPG

Price: 8,580 yen (tax included), download version 8,250 yen (tax included)

Manufacturer: Nihon Falcom