
Dyson's robot vacuum cleaner evolves overwhelmingly! Thorough review of "Dyson 360 HEURIST"

Dyson's robot vacuum cleaner is grasped and cleaned with the camera "360 -degree panoramic lens" on the top.The first model did not have a light on the upper camera, so it took a lot of time to clean the dark room with the light turned while sleeping, and the accuracy of the navigation was low.

However, the new model has a light, so even dark rooms can be cleaned without reducing the accuracy of navigation.

View 360 degrees around the main unit while capturing more light, and with the "Intelligent SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) Vision System", we always grasp the current location and the unsuccessful location.As the camera evolved, the intelligent SLAM vision system itself has evolved, achieving more efficient cleaning.


The search and driving patterns have also been changed, and the leftovers have been reduced.The CPU (processor), which is the key to navigation, is speeded up, 1.The 4GHz quad -core processor has greatly improved processing capacity.The time you stop during cleaning and think less, so you can almost certainly return to the charging station.

ダイソンのロボット掃除機が圧倒的進化! 「Dyson 360 Heurist」徹底レビュー

What I noticed was a step avoidance logic.Compared to the first generation, when riding the steps, it seemed that he was riding a little and checking if he could go.Even if I was about to stand up again, I felt that I had been improved to try to escape with various patterns.As a result, it seems that the rate of becoming unable to run in steps has dropped significantly.

ロボット掃除機で勇逸の無限軌道(キャタピラ)走行なので、段差の乗り越えには強いが、細い棒状のものを跨いでしまうと、両輪が浮いてしまうので、段差の乗り越えを慎重にするのが特徴「Dyson 360 Heurist」走行の様子

In addition, since the diameter of the main unit itself is brushed, it has a brush width more than a large vacuum cleaner, despite the small robot vacuum cleaner.In other words, you can clean the wide part with a small turn (stroke).

Therefore, when curving the furniture to the last minute, a brush of about 1 cm may be caught and the direction of travel may be changed.Although the predecessor was not good at correcting the direction of travel, HEURIST improved the accuracy of career correction.


Furthermore, it was pointed out from the predecessor that the corner of the corner could not be cleaned because there was no side brush in front.But that is a big mistake.

As shown in the picture, even if you do not have a side brush, the corner will be cleaned neatly.Conversely, it doesn't mean "having a side brush = the corner is clean."In other words, there are many models that rotate the side brushes, which swell around the garbage.

サイドブラシがないので、コーナーのゴミを残すのか? と思いきや、壁際までブラシを寄せる独特の走行パターンむしろサイドブラシがないことでゴミを弾き飛ばさないので、コーナーのきれいさはロボット掃除機でナンバーワンと言える部屋のマッピングは完璧で掃除のやり残しはない家具が斜めに配置されている(コーナーのローボード)部分は少し弱いようだ部屋のアチコチに仕込んだゴミは、ほとんどきれいに回収している若干の取りこぼしもあるが、誤差と見ていいレベルだ

When the battery is about to run out of a large room, it automatically returns to the charging station, and the function of resuming cleaning from the interruption point seems to be grasped high accuracy.
